Hi Im active at sports, i play football(soccer), basketball, taekwondo and i exercise everyday and i just had my check up earlier and found out that i have a grade III varicocele on my left testicle. The doctor suggested surgery but he said just for a month, take 3 times daflon a day for the first 2 weeks and then just 2 daflon a day for the remaining 2 weeks. I want to know if i can still do my exercises? like push ups,sit ups, pull ups and handstand. the doctor i should not exercise for a month to see a better result but i just read in your page that exercising may help. what can you advice?
I am 19 years old .
I'm not diabetic.
I don't have hypertension.
I get morning eriction but sometimes i don't.
I have a stressful life because of acne and now varicocele is helping.
i would really appreciate your answers and advice