I am constantly hot, even when others are cool or comfortable. When you touch my face, it feels hot, my hands are always warm. I have gained 40 pounds in the past 6 months. I feel tired, downright exhausted all the time. I have trouble sleeping at least 50% of the time. I have Migraines frequently, but even when I don t have a full blown Migraine I have a head ache most of the time. My skin is extremely dry. My nails are brittle. I have always suffered from chronic constipation. I have had the typical Thyroid tests (blood test), but it always comes back within normal range. This being hot all the time is terrible to live with. If I do any kind of exercise or strenuous work I get so hot that I can barely stand it and my face gets bright red. Even after a cool or cold shower, it takes hours for me to cool down to normal, which is still hot for me. I always get a Migraine any time I do anything strenuos and the hotter I get the worse my Migraine becomes.