Hello dear,
I find you have some genuine situation and will try to help you as per my competency.
Thyroglobulin antibodies are raised in a condition called autoimmune
thyroiditis ( NO SPECIFIC CAUSE FOR THIS HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED TILL DATE)where the protective mechanism of the body identifies Thyropglobulin in Thyroid tissue as a foreign body and destroy them. Thyroglobulin is essential for production of thyroid hormone and this gradually leads to reduced thyroid hormone in your body for which sooner or later you will need Thyoxin supplementation.
The second issue you are dealing with is the Posterior cervical lymph node for 4 weeks along with
dizziness and light headedness. This condition is not associated with the Thyoglobulin antibody level.
But, please don't relax. Lymph node at this position might be associated with some underling cause. The common cause is reactive
lymphadenitis, which is perfectly normal and subsides gradually. Other cause may be
Tuberculosis or very rarely some underlying malignancy.
In my clinic I advice such patient for a complete ENT check up and also FNAC ( Fine needle aspiration cytology) of the enlarge node.
I hope I could solve your query. Please do not hesitate to clarify your doubt for the same situation.
Thanks for the way you are my life.
Dr Ipsit Panda