For several weeks, as happens most every winter, my skin has been "itchy", especially at night, and I assumed this to be simply a a symtom of dry skin. However, last night while sleeping, my skin, (all over, including my scalp), became very hot, and felt like it was sunburned, so hot that it woke me in my sleep, and it was quite uncomfortable to shower this morning. My skin was also flushed (red tint), and I could touch my skin, and it would temprarily turn lighter at that spot ... just like a sunburn, but in the winter, and not from being in the sun. As the day has gone on (it is now about 2:45 PM), I am not suffering from these symptoms as severely, but am still somewhat flushed, and skin is still itching. Is this condition due to dry skin, and is there any reason to be concerned?