Four weeks ago I ate some fatty food on a Friday night and had a round rash with focal pain under my left rib cage, two inches to the left of the naval and about one inch up. I think it s on top of my spleen or tail end of my pancreas. The rash did not itch but burned a bit when showering and was accompanied by abdominal cramping, but no fever, no diarrhea, and no vomiting. Five days after the rash cleared up and abdominal pains went away, but then mysteriously the symptoms came back two weeks later in the EXACT same place! That was a week and a half ago and I am wondering if it is some kind of bowel infection, colitis, ulcer, etc. The cramps are only on the left side and hurts a bit when I bend over. It s like a gnawing feeling around the rash area, which has also cleared up and faded but now the rash area is itchy, but not visible. My appetite is a bit down. Scale of 1 to 10 I d say the pain is about a 5. It feels like gas but it never passes. Exercise does not help. When I jog, it actually aggravates the spot. I gave up grains for ten days prior to the onset of symptoms, and afterward, brought grains back into my diet except for wheat. I eat well and pass stools just fine, though they have gotten a bit mooshier over the last five days. Not sure what to do. My regular doctor thought I just over ate and aggravated the blood vessel around the stomach.