2 issues. #1. For 2 weeks I have had a reddish rash on my hand. First thought it was poison ivy like I got elsewhere, but this is still there. For some time now I also noticed a spot in the middle of the rash which could be? A bug bite. It di bleed a TINY bit but! I think, only after I knocked or scratched off the tiny scab. Originally the red itchy mark was about 6 inches but now it is only about 2. But it just stays there (Further up my arm I realized I had individule tiny spots, all of which being itchy, I originally thought was more poison ivy.). #2. Another rash ? This never spread I don t think. Several locations on my right leg, hip, and stomach, I have itchy red marks most often in lines. Several places near by, I have small brown bruises . These developed several days after my original counter with poison ivy on my face and then, so I thought, on my arm as described above. Thanks, Mimi