My PSA has risen in less than a year from 0.9 to 3.88. It has never been higher than 0.9. Urologist has put me on an antibiotic, and wants to recheck in six weeks. I have also been having arm and shoulder pain, muscle twitches all over, some shakiness. Is it possible that I could have cancer, considering the short timeframe, or do you think it is just a bad infection? I am 45 years old. Could a prostate infection affect nerves in the body elsewhere? My Neurologist thinks I have a Post Virus Syndrome attacking my body but this was before the PSA test.. He sent me to Urologist when I started having symptoms- hurting in that region and leakage after urination.
Member Comments (1)
by RC03, Jun 24, 2011 04:59PM
More information: digital exam was normal. Neurological symptoms came on suddenly six months ago. Clear MRI brain and Cervical spine. clear EMG as well. I am on Cembalta for nerve pain. My PSA was the first I have had since Aug. 10. Dr. was looking for MS type illness.