Hello dear
Understand your concern.
Following are the causes of your problem:
1. Stone in urinary tract: in urethra
2. Urinary tract infection
3. Hygiene problem
4. Balanitis
5. Fungal infection: in warm environment.
6. Contact dermatitis
Take following advice:
Drink plenty of waters
Eat fruits like papaya, orange and pomegranate
Change to a simple, unperfumed soap.
Put two handfuls of salt in the bath, but no other additives
Showering after a workout, changing underwear, using a clean towel to dry off with and not redressing until the area is completely dry
Man 1 Man Oil-contain:with
vitamins, minerals and shea butter
Apply anti fungal
clotrimazole cream if severe or not resolved.
You can continue antibiotics
If not resolved
Consult the doctor.
Take the scabs from discharge and urethra
Do the test for other infection like, chlymadia/gonorrhea
Urine test and culture
USG abdomen
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar