History: Within the past 7 years have had one slipped disc and about 4 episodes of lower back pain so severe I have been unable to walk. On all occasions went to GP for steroid shots and steroid Rx. On 1 occasion had to be transported via ambulance and was treated for muscle spasms with morphine which didn t help and then a stronger pain killer. Present Complaint: approx. 1 month ago tried to move large dog resulting in typical aforementioned lower back pain, bedridden 1 week then went to GP and given 2 shots (1 steroid, other inflammation?) also Rx for 1 week of heavy steroid and 1 month of Mobic. All of this treatment followed. Pain has changed to radiating thru buttock and leg down to ankle. Also spot on lower back feels spongy like gel filling, unstable. Throughout recovery have done gentle stretching physio at home recommended for lower back pain. I am presently scheduled to see Orthopedic Dr. On Wednesday. Questions: 1. what is most likely trouble, pinched nerve, slipped disc, or other? Can this be a result of muscle spasm only? 2. do you think MRI likely? 3. Any MRI necessary, what treatment might help alleviate pain in meantime?