After having a Vasectomy I had a small lump formed within my left Vesicular. The Doctor called it a Spermatocyte and was causing extreme pain. On his advised I had the lump removed, but during the procedure he pushed down extremely hard on my left testicle, why? I don t know why! After the procedure my testicle swelled to the size of a large grapefruit. I lost 35 days of work. The Doctor told me that the medical profession is not an exact science. I have now been in pain for five years. I went to a new Doctor today and he say s I should have my complete Epididymis removed to stop the pain, but their are risks; like the circulation can be cut down the testicle shrinks and I will need to have my testicle removed. So? So? I ve seen six Doctors that can t tell me why this Doctor did what he didn t, and of course Doctors wont say anything bad about another Doctor, but what the hell. I spend 30 years in the Military, shot, blown up, stabbed, broken bones, and sick from food and water we had to live off. But a simple Vasectomy and I ve been threw HELL! The medical profession is Not a Perfect Science!