I had sudden onset of tachycardia that lasted almost 2 hours. I am on Metoprolol, Valsartan with Htz. spironolactone, and Amiodorone. My heartrate reached 128 bpm. My blood pressure was a little high, 147/90 and fell to 108/68 during the episode. Blood oxygen fell to 93. I am treated for hypertension, COPD (non smoker), afib and tachycardia, and kidney failure. I was dizzy, short of breath, weak, and virtually non functional. Kidneys have not functioned well today. During episode, went to bathroom 3 times and started feeling better. Laid down because I did not feel like sitting up. BO is still 93, BP is 108/68 range, HR is 90 range. Doctor says there is nothing wrong with me. These episodes are almost daily. I am 75 and under extreme stress. what do I tell my doctor next week when I see him for BP management? Thank you for your advice