Hi. I had a sore throat with swollen right lymph node in my neck for 3 wks. Thought it was going to turn into the flu or a bad cold. It never did. I then one night got chills,night sweats, and body aches and felt like I was swallowing razor blades. A visit to the urgent care diagnosed me with strep throat. I just finished the prescription this past Friday 6/9 -- 10 days of 875 mg of amoxicillin 2x/day. Now I feel the left side of my throat is very sore and swollen. Right side is ok now. I have difficulty swallowing, as well, but not at the razor blade stage yet. Getting night sweats and today am getting chills, as well, and have body aches which never have gone away. Could I still have strep even after I went through the course of the medication?