Hi,Dear,Good Evening from INDIA.
Thanks for the query to HCM.
I went through all the details of your query.
on the details given by your query,In my opinion you suffer mostly from-
on the facts there in-mostly you suffer from-?Hodgekins Lymphoma-?NHL-as the lump is increasing and is in infra-clavicular region.
Though I dont have details of your age and your gender,emprically above possibilities are on the facts of the case and the growing tumour which was there for 2 yrs static and the sensitivity of that location for such Lymphomas.
-I would Suggest-Consultation with Onco-Surgeon /Physician
and would advise -FDG PET scan with FNAC
Biopsy, which would fix the diagnosis.
Else it could be Fibroma/ Lipoma/Epidermoid Cyst/Sebaceous Cyst -which needs to be ruled out as above.
consult ER doctor for the script of drugs.
Hope this would resolve your query.
Welcome for any more query to HCM and ME,in this regard.
Wishing you fast recovery.
Write review ASAP with strong recommendations for HCM and for ME,for the benefit of other new and old patients.
Have A Good Day.
With Regards,
Dr.Savaskar M.N.