Hello. I really need some help. I have recently stopped smoking what is known as a Cannabis Popper (a small mix between the cannabis plant and tobacco from a cigarette, smoked together in combination via a water bong). The reason i quit was because i began to get very very nauseated when i would wake up in the morning, and several times i have awoken and puked right away. This has stopped, and there is no vomitting, but i have serious abdominal discomfort and bloating with the nausea. I also have slightly blurred vission, small tremors or shakes in the hands and have been overly exhausted for the past two weeks, sleeping 12-16 hours a day. Any idea as to what I may have to done to myself by smoking those poppers through a dirty bong like that for over a year? (I did clean it almost every day, but i would imagine some bacteria or even mold would have grown in there). Any ideas? Please i really need help!