18 year old male; stomach pain and cramping in upper abdomen for 6 days; vomiting, no bowel movement since early 2/3/17. saw APRN yesterday with lab values- CBC- WBC 13.0; RBC 6.03; Hgb 17.9, HCT 49.9, RDW 11.6, elevated neutrophils and absolute neutrophils, low lymphocytes with normal absolute lymp CMP showed- albumin 5.3, total protein 8.6 ----- UA resulted with trace protein, 2+ ketones, Urobilinogen of 2.0 mg/dl-------------------- APRN stated labs were suspicious of viral infection and ordered Zofran. Zofran has been effective for nausea/vomiting but has not relieved any pain. pain is only decreased by laying in fetal position. He has not been able to attend a full day of school this week. Called APRN today to discuss continued pain and was instructed to go to ER. Thoughts?