I am 55 yo black female. Recently, I ve started having discomfort in my stomach. It started on Saturday night (at least that s when i first noticed it). I thought it was because i was hungry because there were also hunger sounds (stomach growling), and the discomfort went away after i had eaten. But then it returned on Sunday, which included some nausea. It lasted pretty much all day, until i ate something. It returned Sunday night (late). It returned this morning (Monday) and was present, again until i ate something. It has know returned. The only way to describe it is it feels like a bubble trying to squeeze through a tube. It s not painful, just uncomfortable. There is also belching, too. I had the same feeling years ago when i had acid reflux (was on medication). But I no longer suffer from acid reflux. I ve never had an ulcer, hope that s not what it is. I take metphormin (diagnosed with pre-diabetes about 3 years ago and hyzaar ( high blood pressure-controlled). Thanks