Noted your detailed history and understood the concerns.
He commonest causes of
abdominal pain after
tubal ligation can be one of the following:
Injury to intestine can cause stricture, adhesions and so on.
Secondary bleeding that caused immediate and latent pains due to local fibrosis or so.
Infection, acute or chronic.
Old PID that is
pelvic inflammatory disease.
Any other problems related to gastrointestinal and
urinary tract.
Any other cause that may need proper clinical evaluation and investigations.
Hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Consult a General Surgeon as he can have proper clinical examination.
X-ray of abdomen in standing position.
CT scan of abdomen will tell most of the complications.
Tests of blood, urine and stool.
Once a specific cause is found one gets guided management as per the cause found.
Second opinions of a Gastroenterologist or Gynecologist if needed.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, General Surgeon