Stomach pain/bloating/cramping after blood patch to fix CSF leak after lumbar puncture? I had a lumbar puncture on Friday the 26th. To check for meningitis as I was having many of the symptoms. It came back clear except for being high pressure. So he asked me to follow up with a neurologist. Sunday night I had to go back in for a blood patch as I couldn t even move let alone stand without feeling like my brains were falling out. I am feeling 100% better now just 7 hrs later, but wondering if the severe gas and bloating I have now could be related to the procedure as I never have this problem unless j am sick. Lower stomach cramps and gassy feeling/bloating. Also wondering if the high pressure in my spinal fluid could have actually caused all the symptoms I went in for in the first place and what that means. I had Releif of most all symptoms right after the fluid was taken. I went in the beginning for: headache, eye pain, severe neck pain/couldn t touch chin to chest without severe shooting pains down my back, ringing in ears, trouble swallowing, painful muscle spasms, and painless twitching of fingers/toes, arthritis like joint pain in ALL joints (especially wrists and knees) numbness in toes and fingers, pins and needle feelings in heels, severe fatigue, vision changes, disorientation, nausea and vommitig, low grade fever on and off, confusion, trouble communicating/forming words at times. I also was checked for just about everything and my brain CT looked normal he said and my white blood count was normal. My family has history of Lupus and MS me either side so I am worried the pressure or symptoms could be that I may have an autoimmune disorder? Is that possible with normal blood work/spinal and no elevated White blood count? Sorry so many questions. Thank you in advance.