User's question: What causes
abdominal pain and
numbness in hands post intake of Fertisure F? Hi My wife & m trying to conceive child since 2 yrs. All reports are in normal. Now Doctor advise to take Tab Fertisure F since 3 days i am taking those tabs. After taking tablets i got stomach pain and my hands gets nambness. Can you pls advise of these table to use are not.
Posted in General Health
Your Answer:
Welcome to healthcaremagic,
I understand your concern about health but nothing to worry; it will subside after taking some precaution, but both of you must continue Tab. Fertisure F , it is an important medicine for conceive.
Some precaution to be taken before you take medicine viz;
1) Take your tab. after some food intake.
2) Take 200ml.
cold milk after swallow of medicine.
3) You can also keep ice cube in mouth after taking of medicine.
After doing all these things your both complain will definitely solved.
Wish u all the best for completely successful result in your treatment.
Take care,
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