Hi. I m 18 this year and about two years ago I had symptoms of an STI. My vagina would itch and thereafter it would have bumps. I visited the closest clinic to get assistance and the nurse that helped me, did not really do any physical observation or anything, I just told her my symptoms and she gave me some pills and something to apply to my vagina. The symptoms subsided and came back somewhere last year, they weren t as severe as before but there was still the watery discharge and all. I had unprotected sex and then asked the guy that I had sex with, if he had any Peculiar symptoms and he said no. Right now I have insane abdominal pains, I bleed after sex sometimes, my discharge is watery and smells fishy(especially after sex). I still have the bumps I had two years ago, but they re not really itchy. I m constantly bloated. I sometimes get pain that seems to be coming from my vagina, as if something is about to pop out. It s excruciating. It sometimes hurts when I have sex, especially by the abdomen. I literally don t know what this could be. I went to the clinic early this year and the nurse told me that I couldn t have a papsmeer because I m under the age of 25, so she just checked my pee. She didn t tell me what was wrong, she just prescribed a bunch of pills for me. I literally have no idea of what exactly is going on with me. Could you please help me. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to help me.