I recently was put on lisinopril 10mg, even though bps were only moderately high. Already take meloxicam15mg & gabapentin100mg twice a day . Started having queasy stomach , pain in abdomen & what I thought was a uti. Started drinking cran juice . Pain came & went. Went to my annual at gyn. Mentioned to her about symptoms, she said my bp was never high & to stop lisinopril . Happened to go to community heart health fair for blood work. My bun is 28/ high .Creatinine is 1.36 /high. Gfr is 40/ low. TSH,3rd gen is 4.530/high RBC is 3.91/low. Looked up Gfr said I had moderate to severe kidney damage. How serious is this. I am 58 , female, 5 2 125 lbs.