It is a typical thing , as you mentioned in the query . According to you , you are 8 weeks pregnant .
Ultrasound say it is measuring 6 weeks .
Heart beat is not noticing .
HCG is 35,100 .
Normally HCG level after post conception ( 5 -10 weeks post conception level is 11,500-289,000 IU/l, while in conventional unis it is 11,500 -289,000).
Your question ?
Q :Am I having
miscarriage ?
Ans: No , how , we will see.
Q 2: Am I just early ?
Ans: Yes, there may be something wrong in calculation .
One more possibility , Please get in another ultrasound report and tally is with this report but after 2 weeks , and you will get answer.
Hope this will be useful for you.