Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns.
From what you have mentioned above, I feel you may be having GERD (Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease).It is a condition, in which the valve between the lower end of your food pipe (oesophagus) and upper part of your stomach becomes lax. Normally, if the valve is functioning well, the stomach contents do not get ejected into the food pipe. Due to a lax valve the stomach acids can get ejected into the food pipe causing severe
heartburn, feeling of lump in the throat, painful swallowing, difficulty ins wallowing, bloating etc.
Majority of
gall stones do not cause any symptoms. If a gall stone blocks a duct then it can cause symptoms. Gallstones can cause similar symptoms as
acid reflux, but you would be having other symptoms in addition like right upper
abdominal pain, and pain in the centre part of upper abdomen below the breast bone. Gall stone obstruction can also lead to
vomiting and
jaundice, and if infected there would be fever.
So, I feel that your symptoms may not be due to gall stones.
I would advise you to see your doctor. He may send you for investigations like Gastroscopy (a scope with a camera at one end to visualise your food pipe and stomach). He may also request an
ultrasound of abdomen to rule out gall stone problem. You may even have basic blood tests.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
I hope this answer has helped you.
Dr Sunita Sayammagaru