Hi there
The first thing to do is to review all the medication she is currently taking and make sure that none of the drugs alter taste as a side effect.
Make sure that she does not have
candidiasis, a
fungal infection, on the tongue. The tongue will appear white with a thick cottage cheese type of appearance on the tongue and inner cheek. If this is present, she most likely also has the same infection in her oesophagus. This is treated with antifungal drops and/or tablets. This type of infection is common in people with low immune systems such as the elderly, diabetics etc
Difficulty swallowing of solids only, should be investigated with a
thyroid ultrasound if enlarged and a test called a barium swallow to rule out any severe problem that could be obstructing the oesophagus.
If she has difficulty swallowing both liquids and solids from the start, you need to rule out an oesophogeal spasm or a
motility disorder. This can also be diagnosed on a barium swallow.
It is important to ensure she gets adequate nutrition. Please try to feed her nutritious supplements such as Ensure, Futurelife etc If she cant swallow at all, consider using a
feeding tube.
Lastly use a mouthwash regularly to help with taste, even a rinse with coconut oil followed by water will help.
Hope this helps.