Brief Answer :
External Hemorrhoids.
Detailed Answer :
Hello, and thank you for postig yout question.
I read it carefully and im goind to give you some advice.
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that are located in the internal or external part of the
rectum ( the last part of the
colon ). In your case, are located in the external part of the rectum, or outside of the anus. Hemorrhoids are due to differnet causes like increased pressure of the rectum veins, also
constipation and repeated straining can cause hemorrhoids.
The most common sympotoms include, itching around the anus, presnce of blood or mucus in the stool, and pain.
There are some things you could do to help your symptomes.
You should be carefull with you diet, you should consume fodds that are rich in fibers, you should stay well hydrated, avoid saturated fats,alchool, caffein, spicy foods.Also you need to avoid Straining. Exercising will help too.
Please feel fre to ask again.
Best Regards !