Why I have Anemia after BBL surgery, the surgery was 5 - 6 hours , when I woke up I felt good but I noted my blood pression was very down and my pulse too . When I tried to stand up I start to bleeding from a point near to my cesarean surgery that was done 3.5 years ago I think the doctor use that scar to pass the tube of the Lipo , I felt dizzy the nurses push on the bleeding and control it ... one hour later I left to my house . In my house I felt very bad and finally 4 days after surgery the doctor noted I have anemia , he did a test and the result was 78 (7.8) , after that I am taking a pill Of Fer 300 mg 2 times a day and good diet . A test one week after show 88(8.8) better but still anemia, do I am continue with a good diet and a pill . Before the surgery the blood test was ok