I m a 63 year old female and 12 year Stage 1 Triple Negative Breast Cancer survivor who had chemotherapy and radiation in 2004/2005. Over the last nine months I ve had a slight decrease in hemoglobin (down to 11.2 from my usual normal of about 11.8). I ve suffered from Fibromyalgia all my adult life along with Chronic Fatigue, and the added anemia of late though perhaps mild to others, has zapped my strength excessively. (It s worse than the fatigue I felt during radiation treatments.) My doctors are concerned about the cause and so am I; because of my personal history of breast cancer, several bouts of squamous and basal cell skin cancers, and a father who died of colon cancer at age 52 back in the 1970 s. Since January I ve had several CBC s (all showing the low hgb), two colonoscopies (both negative), one upper endoscopy (negative) and one abdominal CT-Scan (POSITIVE; it showed a nodule 12mm wide near the cecum. It was after this scan that the second colonoscopy was done but it was clear.) Besides the nodule on the CT-Scan, the other worrisome symptom is that recently my stools have gradually become as thin as a pencil and the situation is not resolving itself as I d hoped. An added thought; a maternal aunt died of peritoneal cancer in 2010. Now my Kaiser gastroenterologist wants to schedule a camera endoscopy of my small intestine but that department is so backed up that I won t be able to get it done for two or three months. At this point it seems that while they are genuinely worried about finding the cause of the anemia, they aren t too worried about the spot on the CT-Scan. I know from my family s history that cancer can grow on the outsides of organs. Should I press for a repeat CT-Scan now or wait several months until the camera endoscopy is completed.