Hi thanks for contacting HCM.
Noted you have
antral gastritis since few days..
endoscopy you have diagnosed with antral gastritis..
Let me know you autoimmune diseases ,
pernicious anemia and chronic infection esp.h.pylori common causes of antral gastritis....
So they has to be ruled out...
For H.pylori detection in
biopsy sections special stain can be done for its detection or
urea breath test useful...
And yes along with drug i would like to say you that proper dietary habit should be there for its treatment....
Excess fried and heavy fatty food taken very less.Like cheese, butter, pizza, non veg....Because fatty food delay gastric emptying that will hamper your healing........
Excess spicy food avoided....
Some fruits useful like avocados, banana, berries, kiwi etc...
Hope your concern solved.
You can keep these suggestion in mind when you consult doc.
Take care..