Thanks for posting on HCM
Atrial Fibrillation(AFib) is an irregular and often
rapid heart rate that occurs when the atria(2 upper heart chambers) experience abnormal electric signals and is easily diagnose with an ECG.Possible causes include:
High blood pressure, heat attacks, coronary artery disease, abnormal heart valves, congenital heart defects, overactive thyroid, ionic imbalances, smoking, alcohol, heart surgery, lung diseases, etc. AFib if neglected may have as complications stroke and
heart attack.
I will suggest you see a Cardiologist for evaluation and management.You may meet another Cardiologist if the one you were referred to will be off for long.He may however continue the follow-up when available.Treatment objectives will be to reset your heart rhythm or control heart rate and prevent blood clot formation.Control of heart rhythm with an antiarythmic like digoxin and prevention of clot with an anti-coagulant like
warfarin may be evaluated.The following home measure may also help you
-Eat heart healthy foods
-Exercise regularly
-Avoid smoking
-Maintain healthy weight
-Keep blood pressure and
cholesterol levels under control
-Take alcohol only moderately
-Respect follow-up appointments
Hope my answer will help you
Best reagrds