Hi Andrew, I am taking keppra 500mg BD(43kg) for brain tumour removal from temporally be in January. Neurosurgeon advises me to stay on it as I had a grand mal seizure prior to diagnosis. Radiotherapy and temozolomide have removed any residual and last two MRI s have been clear. I have been experiencing back pain and it seems to most likely be neuropathic, MRI of spine clear. I recently started to take CBD oil for the pain and as an aid to prevent recurrence( gliosarcoma) first two days of titration were OK, but week 3 for 3 drops has really knocked me off, and I have been experiencing symptoms that are similar to when taking chemo or radiotherapy, dizzy, woozy, taste issues, a couple of scary moments for a few seconds last night with dizziness. I am wondering ether the keppra is the common denominator for these symptoms as I also feel like this when on monthly temozolomide. Even though I stopped taking the CBD 20% yesterday, I still feel woozy today, and my back pain. Is starting to return, my oncologist has agreed to me reducing my keppra to 250mg BD, and Iam thinking of stopping the CBD until I have got the keppra sorted, any thoughts?