i'm 14years old, and i have been getting really bad back pains all around my back! i can hardly walk, and when i do i'm bent forward because i can't stand up straight because it hurts that bad! i can't of done anything to make it like this, i haven't lifted or anything heavy or anything!! it just happened. i did get some little pains a few months back on and off, but they was never as bad as what it is now! my mother has checked my back, because we had family history like my sister had scoliosis. and my mum did looked pretty shocked and she has booked me a doctors appointment tomorrow. i know i only have to wait until tomorrow- but i'm really in pain, and i was wondering if anyone online knew? does anybody know what it could be?? i do keep taking tablets, and using hot watter bottles and resting, but nothing is working! help me??