I was 13 weeks pregnant when I got an abortion last Monday on May 22nd, 2017. The procedure went fast as they induced an IV Sedation during the surgical procedure. I havent had any bleeding except a little on the first day, minor cramps, but I have been experiencing aching back pain from 12 am-5 or 6 am. The pain has been interuppting my sleep, and I take 400-600 mg of Ibuprofen a night to reduce the pain. The ibuprofen works and helps ease the pain, but it still worries me. It was my first pregnancy, my first termination, but the back pain I am experiencing is almost unbareable. It leaves me in no position of comfort and I am in pain for an hour to two hours before the ibuprofen reduces the aching. Sometimes even in the middle of the night after taking ibuprofen, I still get woken up from the pain. At first I thought it was gas trapped in my body, then I began to think it was my body s way of adjusting from not being pregnant anymore, but now I feel like it may be a potential gallbladder issue. Do you have any insight/advice about these symptoms? Is it common to have such bad upper back pain while your body comes down from being pregnant??