painful heel syndrome may occur due to many reasons......
- mainly because of bad anatomic and postural factors which puts unnecessary pressure/stress over the plantar fascia(heel and sole region), i.e....walking with high heels, overweight, incorrect shoe type and most of all if you have abnormal arches or overworked arches. may also be due to infection or inflammatory conditions. This is mainly unilateral type.
If it is bilateral type alongwith some more features like malaise(uneasyness),
recurrent fever, multiple
joint pains, or bowel dysfunction, thn it may be suspected as some specific type of arthritis or any othr type musculoskeletal pathology(
Rheumatoid arthritis ).
you may follow certain things in this regard:
- use a special cushioned heel pad OR cushioned heel cup to avoid the direct pressure, soft and comfortable shoes/chappals.
-Go for
Physiotherapy sessions(Ultrasound, TENS,contrast bath etc)
- Various exercises and splints may also be prescribed as per the condition.
-Analgesics and NSAIDs as per directed by the orthopedician.
All the best and take care