Noted the history about your daughter developing blacked vision lasting for about 50 seconds followed by stomach ache which has persisted in milder form, no
fever, pupils normal, wants to know whether to worry or not.
The commonest causes I can think about are as follows:
Gastroenteritis in the initial stages can present like this the electrolyte and fluid imbalance causing the symptoms.
It is possible that viral or bacterial infection too can present initially in the same way.
The symptoms are serious unless proved otherwise, hence I would advise her the following:
To consult a Doctor for clinical evaluation, examination and investigations of blood, urine and stool.
This will tell us whether there is anything serious that needs further evaluation and investigation with specific treatment or can be treated symptomatically, wait and watch.
Till then give her warm fluids, electrolyte solution and ask her to rest in bed.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, General Surgeon