Respected user , hi
Thanks for using
I have evaluated your query thoroughly .
* Routine use of grafts in
pelvic floor constructions is not recommended
unless individual case evaluation with needs , benefits , future problems
& failure rates calculations favor for the same .
* Porcine graft is a type of bio degradable one , has its own limitations for
success due to
- durability
prion or viral transmission
- residual antigenicity leading to graft versus host reaction .
* Prior to the surgery , surgeon must have to inform patient regarding type
of material he / she is going to use , its advantages , possible side effects
including chances of how much percentage failures with the same , are
there any other better options available than this -- all if not explained
thoroughly & satisfactorily then it becomes a legal case for sure .
Hope this clears your query .
Welcome for further questions .
Regards .