Today I discovered small amount of light brown discharge which seemed like it (possibly) came from my clitoris since it was further up my underwear to be from my vagina. I thought it was normal since it was so small. But when Iwent to pee again, ttherewas small amount of blood. But when I wiped, it was all overthe tissue. I wore a panty liner but the next time I peed, there was more blood then before and it covered the panty liner (not completely but was from top to bottom, unlike the first time). I wiped numerous times and blood kept coming out but not a lot. There was also some brownish blood. I also saw some white discharge. I held a tissue by my pee hole for a few seconds and I think it came from there instead of my vagina. When I stood up, I realized it stinged a little. Is this what spotting is or is it something way worse?