A fungal or bacterial infection caused acute burning sensation for my wife whenever we attempted intercourse and caused blisters on my foreskin. This continued for about 6 years while we were overseas and doctors could not understand the problem. Pre-cum lubrication, prior to this used to be copious with no erectile problems, during this period I suffered from dryness of the glans and reduced erections which also did not result in 100% strength. Upon our return to India, the local Gynac treated and cured my wife by prescribing Candid CL and Flucos 150, and she lubricates properly, but no treatment was prescribed for me. Please advise what would be the best medication for my condition, wouldn t I be a carrier of some fungal or bacterial infection? We have not attempted intercourse in the last 2 months after her being cured as I do not want her to be infected again, and want to be sure I am clear as well.