I am 21 years old.I had my 1st episode of acute pancreatitis in 2009 when i was writing an examination.i had a slight pain from morning like bloated abdomen and it increased and i vomited whatever i had.i was hospitalised and put on iv.it was misdiagonosed as appendicitis(reason-fluid collection in peritonium) .i was given antibiotcs and pain subsided when i passed the stool.after 2 months i had my appendicectomy .i had a same type of pain and vomiting a year later but it subsided when i was put in iv that too within a day.i consulted a gastroenterologist and he suspected pancreatitis after referring to my us scan(pancreatic bulkiness).but as my pain had subsided so blood test couldn t be done.i had some antioxidants for some while.my third episode was on last dec 4 ,2011.after a full day of pain and vomiting, i went to see a doctor and he confirmed my acute pancreatitis after seeing my elevated amylase(1917u/L),crp(22 mg/L), ultrasound scan(bulky pancreas with peripancreatic fatty changes,moderate ascites).i was hospitalised ,put in npo and iv ,n-j tube put .i recoverd within 7 days and started the diet from liquid to soft diet day by day. ct san(plain and contrast),various blood test and cultures were done but etiology could not be found.i am not an alchoholic too. i had the next pain in jan 3 ..measures for recovery was done in another hospital nearby. (serum amylase-646U/L,lipase-1512u/l). and mrcp was also done..then also etiology couldn t be found ..after that episode i had slight pains in that month and i managed with the liquid diet and pain use to subside..al through these days i followed a fat free ,soft and limited diet then also i sometimes had bloated abdomen. i used to hav pancreatic enzyme capsules and pantoprazol with diet. after a doctor s prescription i started to take ursodeoxycholic acid. after endoscopy i had one more pain episode after 5 days-feb 4 2012(amylase 436,lipase646). endoscopy-pancreatic divisum absent and chronic pancreatitis-negative.bile collected -macroliths found .but i have normal lipid profile..no supportive result for gallstone in lft .i was asked to take udc up to 6months and to have cholecystectomy if pain does not recur in this period.but i have bloated abdomen,constipation some times and slight pain now also...during this period i think that the intensity of my pain have decreased but its frequency has increased..i had my past two pain episodes after nocturnal emission ,..i dont no whether it has any relation with this disease but soon after the emission i use to hav an abdominal burning sensation and irritation..can u say what is my probiem and what is its reason..?