Thank you for your question - I hope I can be of help to you.
There are several things that can cause a bloated belly. The symptoms you describe do not sound typical for the dangerous causes, such as cancer (typically see
weight loss) or liver disease (often associated with alcohol, may see yellow eyes, swelling in the feet). With dangerous causes of distended abdomen, typically the belly is distended about the same amount all the time.
The most common causes of distended abdomen that increases through the day are related to the bowels.
Constipation (not having bowel movements as often, sometimes hard bowel movements, straining to have bowel movements) can cause quite a lot of swelling in the belly.
Irritable bowel syndrome can also cause a lot of swelling. Irritable bowel is when you eat normal things and your bowels seem to overreact, causing pain,
bloating, swelling, cramps, sometimes
diarrhea, sometimes
nausea, often loud stomach noises.
In my practice, I have found that most people with constipation or irritable bowel syndrome feel better if they drink more water (or tea or whatever other non-alcoholic liquid is preferred; not milk). More water helps the bowels move more smoothly in general. Trying to eat a healthy diet that has plenty of fruits and vegetables can be helpful, but many patients find it helpful to keep a "diet diary" of what they eat for a week or two and how they feel, so they can figure out what works best for them. If eating bananas always makes them feel better the next day - yes, keep eating bananas. If eating peppers makes them feel worse the day they eat them or the next, eat less of them.
For someone with constipation, a mild laxative OTC medication can be helpful occasionally. With irritable bowel syndrome, sometimes antispasmodic medicine can be helpful; this would require a prescription.
There are other, less frequent causes of swelling in the abdomen, for which a doctor can do blood and stool tests, or take Xrays or
CT scan of the abdomen, if needed.
I hope that this information is helpful, and that you are feeling much better soon. Please feel free to check back if you have any further questions.