Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
You have multiple problems as you have enumerated and may thus be connected to a general cause like diabetes,
hypothyroidism and so on which needs the following:
In depth clinical evaluation, examination by a Physician and thus get the relevant tests or investigations which may be as follows:
Tests of blood: CBC, thyroid, liver, kidney functions; tests for diabetes and anything else as may be guided by the clinical evaluation.
Bloating can be due to intestinal infection wherein there is outgrowth of bacteria producing gases or
intestinal obstruction.
This can be diagnosed by the stool tests for three consecutive days.
Strong smelly urine in spite of plenty of oral water and fluids can be due to kidney disease or
urinary tract infection. Get urine tests for routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
If all the tests indicate an infection, get a proper course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and probiotics.
Stop aerated drinks and avoid all the foods and beverages that instigate or enhance the symptoms.
Ultrasonography, CT scan of the abdomen may help further in proper diagnosis and management.