Good Morning, I am a 34 year old woman who is 5 7 and obese. I suffer from cronic migraines and muscle fatigue. My blood prssure is good (usually 120/72) and have tested negative for diabetes, however one doctor told me I was isulin resistent. I have 4 children and had 2 extremely difficult pregnacies. From these pregnancies I have constant pain in my pelvic area and hips. My question has to do with my migraines. I have a number of lumps on my skull that I am worried about. One is just under the skin and moves around so that one is not much of a worry for me, however I have two that have grown right next to each other and are quite large and fixed to the skull ( as I can not move them, but the scalp moves over them when touched). I also have a large lump on the base of my neck on the left side that varies in size. It is small now about the size of a pea but when it gets irritated it grows and my migrains will radiate from that spot and move from the back of my head up to the front and my left eye will feel like it is pulsating. I have a constant dull throbbing in my head. About three years ago I got a migraine that caused my vision to be extremely blurry for about 3 days, the eye doctor gave me glasses that I cant even tell the diffence if I am wearing them or not. I am worried that it could be something serious but all the doctors I have seen for this problem tell me they dont know why I suffer from the migraines but just treat them. I take two different medications dailey (propanalol-40 mg twice a day and amitriptyline- 25 mg once a day) to try and control the migraines and one when I have an onset of a migraine (relpax- 40 mg). Sometimes these medications dont even help and I will end up at the ER getting a shot of demerol and something for the nausea. Could my symptoms be something like a tumor or worse yet, cancerous? My family doctor acts as thou I am just a hypochondriac looking for drugs. Thank you for your time and any help that you can give me.