Hi, I am a 50 yr old woman. My whole period life i have been 28 days on the nose until this last year, sometimes I don t have one at all, which is fine with me! I did not have one last month but did start a couple days ago. Not really even a period, mostly darkish blood like you have towards the very end and i only had to wear a panty liner. Oh and the 1st day is always the worst for me cramps wise. Today I started having excruciating cramping, i just assumed i was getting a real period, I went to change my clothes and I had a huge clump of what felt like a thick mucous like kind of bloody piece of something in my underwear! I have had 3 kids so i know what mucous plugs look like and it was not that! I also had a full super tampon that i had just put in about a 1/2 hour earlier. It was almost 3 inches long and an inch wide. After it came out, the cramps stopped and so did the bleeding, any ideas???