19 yr old male with blood and protein in urine, and recently elevated WBC and RBC along with cloudy showed with latest urinalysis. Had US kidney, CT scan w and wout contrast which came back normal. Nephrologist refused to see and referred back to urologist. Also had titer Ana in past. appt w rheumatologist (other one had him do 3 tests and then refused to see him as well) back to IM and now is scheduled with another rheumatologist, but not until 3rd week June. This all started 1 year ago when he became sick and fever and was told UTI. Ended up on ER and doctor there said didn t think UTI, but maybe kidney. got sick again in feb and again im put him on antibiotics and that s when I insisted on urologist appt not believing was UTI. Cant get the latest results explained by im until we see him in person, which is not until June 6. Patient does NOT drink, smoke or take any drugs. What is the fee charged for medical doctor opinion?