I have gone through your query and can understand your concern.
As per your complain lets discuss your problem symptom by symptoms.
Firstly dryness in mouth and thick saliva after progressive spits is not an abnormal finding because the amount of saliva spit out cannot b immediately released in mouth and in progressive spits you will only observe thick mucous.
Other thing is that while sleeping the saliva formation slows down as well as due to long hours without water during sleep can also cause a
dry mouth and it also leads to thick mucous during spitting..
The other part of your problem is blood in spit along with the history of gum problems and ulcer, therefore the blood in spit can be due to bleeding from gums secondary to
gum infection.
Nothing to worry, consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and in case of gum infection Scaling followed by antibiotics and topical application of gum paint will relieve..
Drink plenty of water and do not spit excessively in morning..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.