Hi,the reason for blood coming out from your nose and spit might be the following:
High Blood pressure.
Looking at the medicines which you have written,it seems that you are also suffering from high blood pressure.
Sometimes,when the blood pressure is not maintained under control, with the medicines and increases,tiny blood vessels in the nose might get tear and bleeding might start from your nose.
In such a case,you should take your medicines regularly,no skipping of medicines.take low-salt diet.No
2.)Congestion in the nose.As you had suffered from
Sinus problem,there might be congestion in the nose.In such a case ,tiny blood vessels might tear with forceful nasal cleaning or increased pressure during coughing or passing stool.Dont try to clean your nose or cough forcefully.You can take Nasal Decongestant Drops(like
Otrivin nasal drops).
If you have suffered from this episode of bleeding from nose and sputum only once,then you may try the above measures as told by me.
If you are suffering from multiple episodes of bleeding or you have other complains like giddiness,then it would be advisable to consult an
ENT Specialist Doctor.
Hope this answers your question.Take Care