Just a little over a year I have had almost complete blockage in the colon discovered by symptoms (blood in stool, feeling of bowls not evacuated accompanied with frequent bowel movements) a colon resection, chemo therapy, a 2nd colonoscopy, a 2nd colon resection and third colonoscopy showing a clear colon. During the most recent healing process my bowel movements have been anything but normal. As instructed I ve been eating more fiber and even taking a daily supplement. However, I ve noticed frequent urges for a bowel movement with little to no movement during these visits. I ve also noticed reddish to pink mucus like substance in my stool. At times this is all that passes that visit. The sight is very troubling given what I ve been through although it is not quite the same as before. There s no abdominal pain yet the problem persists. Any idea on what this might be as I m dreading the worst?