Hello sir,
Good morning,
I read your history
Coming to your main complain blood in urine...
I am sure this is confirmed by urine routine micro investigation...
N causes of blood in urine are many among them some are
1. Idiopathic
2. Trauma
3. Stone in bladder sometime in kidney
Tumor or cancer
5. Any recent urological procedure or instrumentation...
You also confimred that he has kidney stone dormant kidney stone may be though it is not painfull but still it is increaning in size n may be now it passes through
ureter or new stone formation in bladder...
But still you didn't mention any history of
fever or any instrumentation or any other sign symptoms of infection or uremia
But he has taken some medication for tia
So I guess first you should consult your local doctor once he examine your fathee n some investigation like uribe routine micro again bloeed report cbc n usg kub
N according to report either treated by medication or refer to
urologist for expert...
Thank you,
Dr.Ravi Kotecha