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Kidney infection are usually nothing to worry about but when they are recurring then a proper investigation needs to be done to identify a cause and appropriate treatment are given.
Traces of blood that you notice on laboratory investigation most commonly result due to urinary tract stones that cause mild bleeding from
the urinary tract walls while it moves. For that you just need to get an
ultrasound of the kidney and an x-ray KUB to identify the stone if there is one so that it may be managed accordingly. And it is important to mention that kidney stones are one of the causes of
urinary tract infection so if the cause of blood in urine is stones then you might get relieved of recurring kidney infections
But one thing that should be made sure that other parameters in the urine laboratory test should be normal in order to be sure that the cause is just stone . For that RED CELL CASTS should also be noted as this will show if there is bleeding directly from the kidney due to other causes . Urine detailed report is advised in such cases .
Sometimes the bacteria which has caused the infection is not effected by ordinary antibiotics , in such cases stronger antibiotics are needed. To find out which antibiotics are effective then URINE CULTURE AND SENSITIVITY is a good test to be done in such cases
I hope the answer was helpful. In case you need any further assistance feel free to contact in writing .
Dr Talal Hussain