Wait for few days, drink plenty of fluids, take pain medication You might as well try
vitamin C, vitamin C doesn't do any harm, and there's some suggestion that vitamin C and antioxidants may have some efficacy. These are not unreasonable things to do when helping your body fight off an infection, and that's what it has to do since we don't treat viral infections with antibiotics.
Some people with
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may experience
hoarseness with a
sore throat, but this will probably be accompanied by other symptoms, such as
heartburn or the sour reflux of stomach contents.
If your sore throat is accompanied by an achy feeling all over and you have a fever, you should elevate your threat level to "high." You might want to go to the doctor for a
throat culture to see if you have a strep infection, especially if you have been around children, who frequently harbor strep bacteria.
A strep infection can be dangerous for adults or kids,The greatest dangers are local inflammation and rapid spread to the throat and adjacent structures like the tonsils and
lymph tissues. They can swell and obstruct the airway, and the bacteria can get into the bloodstream and cause infections elsewhere, such as the heart valves.
Inflammation is what makes a sore throat sore, and the greater the inflammation, the greater the danger.
Consult E N T DOCTOR.
Take care.