Hello Madam
I can certainly understand your concern.
I have worked through your query in detail.
You currently have symptoms( nose bleed, headache,
blurred vision and cervical discomfort) usually point to uncontrolled blood pressure.
High blood pressure if not properly treated, it can cause frequent nose bleeds( due to rupture of small blood vessels in the nose).
Additionally headache can be a manifestation of the same.
Overweight individuals are more probe to elevated but undiagnosed blood pressure.
I advise you to get your pressure checked at the earliest for the institution of appropriate antihypertensive therapy.
Additionally, I recommend blood tests like
Lipid profile and Fasting and post prandial blood sugars to document any associated
insulin resistance.
Further management if any is largely based on test results.
Consultation with an expert Neurophysician and a Cardiologist will help.
Keep me updated with the test results for a further follow up.
Post your further questions if any.
Thank you.